Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Well well well, exactly one year ago I started this and here i am again. One year down another to go. I've gotten a lot better at everything since then and looking back at it all i wondered how i could be so bad at drawing. But it's improved bit by bit  with he writing as well so to celebrate a whole year of comics. I have 2 announcements.
1. I decided an epic way to celebrate this is with an epic content bomb.

2. I ll get to that after all my content so now is the comic and soem stuff i made for you guys

So yeah I'm finally acknowledging the dick puking jokes that came with my first comic ever so here you go Holly can't cook.
So i flexed my ego and compiled every comic and picture that existed up until December into one big mega picture. Took me back through some memories this one.
This picture makes me see just how much i changed in a whole year. I'll try and put the new look into future comics i just have to re learn to draw them with a tablet now.
So i drew Holly and Trever all nice and all but i can't get past the fa ct i still CAN'T DRAW HANDS PROPERLY.
Also Sam,Tom and Arland casting a shadow being all cool and new lookin.

I also took the liberty of imagine all of them as Tf2 classes. Came out well enough.

I also took a shot at drawing Holly realisticly... not sure about this one...

Also my very very overdue "~fron" picture. Here you  ~fron hope you like it.

NOW for my second anouncement. It is not hidden from me the fact latley i have had a lack of concistent content. Well i got the solution to this miraculously while riding the bus. So what happened after that intense bus ride was i went to see a friend who you have all heard from atleast. He made the music for my flashtoon trailer. So we talked it over and we decided we were gonna work together, teaming up for a common good etc.
So after we teamed up i pitched the idea to a coupe other friends and ouahla (check spelling please) So now BlackWhite is no longer a single man operation. 4 people now band together to bring you the content you need. It won't only be comics now.
-Mr.Belvedere( the music man) has music for everyone and lovely pixel art and the like. He also does his own comic every once in a while involving animals doing silly things.
Examples of his lovely work.
Now Another person is Devtan Army. Friend of mine who helped paint a mural with me and some other back in november. Right now she'll be hosting content she makes here for some eye candy and to get her work out there in the world.

Now for the final person to be joining team BlackWhite. A close friend of mine will help me with the standard BlackWhite comics shenanigans making her own mini series of my orignal to help with the plot expanding etc.
The 2 BWC pictures she drew for me (btw she kind of over shadows me)
So yes pictures from the new BW team. New and improved ready to take on a whole year again. Together.

NOW ANOTHER THING not really an announcement just showing soem pictures soem friends drew for me.
frommy friend mel there was also another picture but i kind of lost it... i will get to it later
Also the amazing picture that helped me along. So yes 1 whole year happy anniversary.

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